Thursday, November 11, 2010

You Take Your Inspiration Where You Can Get It

     This is a mantra of mine, and I think it is oh so true.  I've discussed it elsewhere, for example, in the post Words You Don't Hear Anymore....  Some days it's more poignant than others.  You don't really get to choose when you'll be inspired; there are different types of inspiration also.  I started writing this post as a reflection of the evening I experienced last Tuesday night.  I was lucky enough to be in the audience for the Kennedy Center presentation of the Mark Twain Award for American Humor to Tina Fey.  It was inspiring.
     All parts of it were inspiring, from the majesty of the event to the presentations given by comedy legends.  It's hard to put into words just how magical and mind-blowing the whole event was.  It'll be on PBS.  Check it out, then maybe you'll start to understand.  It stands to reason that as an aspiring comedy writer, this was practically Mecca, and therefore it would be impossible to not be inspired by this event.  I let is wash over me.  Of course it wasn't my reason for attending, but again, I'll take it where I can get it.  Er, inspiration that is. 
     Other times small moments are my inspiration-  the sun rise on an early fall day, a guy falling up an escalator.  I also keep pictures and memorabilia around my work area for inspiration.  At work I have a sign that reads:
 People must think that this job is inconceivable to me.  Or incredibly, remarkably amazing to me.
 It doesn't have to make sense to others.  It keeps me going every damn day.

At home I also have a few inspirational posters around my work space: one from the Friar's Club, one from UCB, and this photo:

That's one that helps get me back to my roots, in case I ever forget where I came from.  I take my inspiration where I can get it.

1 comment:

  1. I remember lying in that pool of blood and shit. It was pretty sweet.
